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21 June 2018

Take a breather on your driving holiday through Denmark

If you’d like to see the most beautiful countryside in Denmark, local eateries and the greatest historical sites, the Marguerite route is probably something you’d enjoy. This route is the Danish answer to Route 66, the 4,000 km road through the USA crossing three time zones and eight states.

Pack up the car, put a Brobizz in the windscreen and head off on an unforgettable trip from Zealand to Jutland via Funen and Langeland. And if the roads are busy on your summer trip, you will need a different route! Psst... If you’re driving from Jutland to Zealand, we recommend that you read this article in reverse order.

The Marguerite route – what is it?

Although Denmark is a small country, the entire the Marguerite route extends over more than 4,200 km and covers all the little remote locations in Zealand, Funen and Jutland. On this route, you can find places in Denmark that you might never have considered visiting. The Marguerite route passes more than 200 of Denmark’s greatest, most exciting sites, past fantastic organic eateries serving delicious food, through the most beautiful countryside Denmark has to offer, and out into the most beautiful Danish ferry routes.

The Marguerite route extends from the northernmost part of Zealand to the northernmost part of Jutland, and you’ll never pass the same road twice. You’ll use country roads and main roads, and there’s only one place where you’ll have to pick up speed – when you cross Storebælt Bridge. If you choose to go that way, that is.

Check out VisitDenmark.

Go fishing on the waterways

Sometimes, taking the fastest route through Denmark in summer is really cheating yourself. It may be tempting, but why not try a nice, calm trip where we can forget our everyday stresses and all that rushing around, and where the driver can also enjoy everything the car is passing. There are opportunities for pure relaxation on the Marguerite route, with overnight stays in hotels and old inns, for instance. And why not take a detour with your fishing rod, or head off through the idyllic landscape at Stillebækken, which formed the backdrop for Morten Korch’s tales?

If you follow the route from Zealand and down past Falster and Lolland, you’ll end up at the ferry port at Tårs. In Tårs, you can hop aboard the Langelandsfærgen (Ferry), which will sail you directly to Spodsbjerg. And there are lots of good reasons to take a detour by sea. When you’re aboard the Langelandsfærgen ferry, everyone in the car will have the opportunity to enjoy the beautiful views and eat their fill of delicious, freshly caught fish from Kutterfisk in Spodsbjerg. If you have children travelling with you, there are plenty of opportunities for them to enjoy the ferry’s play area while the adults enjoy their fresh fish.

Langeland and onwards

From Spodsbjerg, the Marguerite route takes you down to the castle town of Tranekær on Langeland, where you can experience art, nature and culture. When you’re on Langeland, you can also visit Museum Langelandsfort or Langelands Vilde Heste or stop off at Langelandsfestivalen, Denmark’s biggest garden party, between 21 and 28 July.

When you’ve seen Langeland, you can head back to the Marguerite route in Tranekær, and carry on via Tullebølle past the towns of Kassebølle and Simmerbølle towards Svendborg on the island of Funen.

If you carry on towards the northern part of Funen, you can pick up the Marguerite route at Kværndrup, where you can see Egeskov Castle, or you cross over by ferry to southern Jutland. Denmark has a number of beautiful ferry crossings to offer, and the Alsfærgen ferry that travels from Bøjden to Fynshav is definitely one of them.

Enjoy a smooth ferry crossing over the archipelago of southern Funen before landing on the beautiful island of Als. If you remember to set up a Ferry Bizz agreement, you can travel with special conditions which allow you to pay via your Brobizz A/S account. 

And as a little bonus, we can tell you that discounts are available from some of the big parks and museums on the island of Funen if you have a ticket from the Langeland ferry or Alsfærgen ferry with you that’s no more than 7 days old – which is yet another good reason to take a detour by ferry.

Plan your route from home

Plan your entire route from home by downloading the whole Marguerite route to your GPS.

Put your Brobizz in the windscreen and download the Marguerite route to your GPS here!

You can also view the entire map of the route at Udinaturen.dk.

Before you head off

We have a page where we’ve collected together information on places in Denmark where you can use your bizz to pay. It might be a good idea to check out the Where in the navigation bar before you head off! There are all kinds of benefits and discounts available to you if you take out a special agreement directly with our partners.


Language: English

Language: English