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Have you received a suspicious email or sms?

Unfortunately, there are many phishing emails and text messages in circulation.

If you receive a suspicious email or SMS, you should always check who the sender is.

What is phishing?

Phishing is when hackers attempt to extract confidential information from you. Hackers will pretend to be a company or similar entity that you trust, and through this, they will try to get you to give them confidential information – information that they can then misuse.

Phishing attempts most often occur via fake emails or text messages.

What does a phishing email or SMS look like?

Hackers will typically try to stress you by urging you to quickly enter your personal information. The information you enter will be misused for, e.g., identity theft or to gain access to your bank. Additionally, hackers do everything they can to mimic the company's style in both language and design. This is why it can be especially difficult to determine whether it is phishing or not.

The following emails from Brobizz are legitimate

If you receive an email that you find suspicious, you can always check who the sender of the email is.

At Brobizz, we only send emails from the following email addresses:

If the sender is different, we urge you not to take any action but simply delete the email.

When does Brobizz send text messages?

You will only receive a text message from Brobizz in connection with contacting our customer service. If you have not been in contact with Brobizz customer service, we will not send you a text message.

False login page

Unfortunately, there is a false login page for our self-service in circulation.

The false page has the following URL:

We advise everyone not to log in via this page.

When you need to log in to our self-service, we always recommend doing so directly through our website.

False self-service

Unfortunately, there is a false self-service in circulation. On the false self-service platform, it says: 'Velkommen Kære Kunde'.

On the correct self-service we always write 'Velkommen' followed by your name.

Fake selv-service

Correct selv-service

Good advice if you have been tricked into giving out your information

Contact your bank

If you have given out your payment information, it is important that you call your bank and inform them. Additionally, it is important that you keep a close eye on all your accounts to be aware of any suspicious deviations.

Contact the Police

Contact the police and inform them about the incident, so they can assist you further.

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Language: English

Language: English