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20 September 2016

Brobizz achieves quality accreditation for use throughout Europe

Brobizz A/S has just been registered as an EETS issuer, the first company in Scandinavia to have achieved this feat.

This registration is an important step for Brobizz A/S, enabling it to offer a service in future that provides an attractive and natural choice for regional customers who want to head out into Europe.

In specific terms, this approval means that Brobizz A/S formally has the right now to enter into discussions with all EU countries concerning access to payment with bizz® in infrastructure systems subject to the EETS provisions.

“This registration provides our business with quality accreditation and is an important milestone for us. We can now enter into discussions with a number of European countries on the use of Brobizz, which in the long term will bring us closer to our goal of ensuring that our customers can use it all over Europe,” says Helle Bech, CEO at Brobizz A/S.

Facts about EETS

The European Commission has stated via what is known as the European Electronic Toll Service (EETS) Directive that it should be possible to use electronic transmitters such as Brobizz for payments at all road tolls in the EU. This will make life easier for road users, ensuring that they only need an agreement with one issuer – such as Brobizz A/S – in order to charge for all use of toll roads in the EU.

This directive ought to have come into force in 2012, but it’s proven more complicated to implement than was first anticipated as consensus had to be achieved with regard to joint standards, settlement methods, etc. before the objective of the directive could be implemented.

The Danish Road Directorate is the approval authority in Denmark and has approved the EETS application submitted by Brobizz A/S. At present there are only four other registered active EETS issuers, three French and one Italian.


Language: English

Language: English