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2 April 2019

Your guide to the Easter holidays: Bison and castle ruins on the island of Bornholm

If you’re spending your Easter holidays in Denmark, Bornholm is the obvious place to head for. It has something for all the family, and the best thing is that you’ll actually learn something from it.

Learn something from Bornholm

When we say you can learn something from Bornholm at Easter, we are of course referring to all the activities on offer. Bornholm is home to all kinds of great things to see and do at Eastertime, when you can visit the museums and smokehouses on the island and enjoy sightseeing trips.

One of the activities that will help you learn more about this old island is a guided tour with ‘Sillehoved’. Sillehoved’s first name is Søren, and he’s one of the guides who knows almost everything there is to know about Bornholm. Søren’s itinerary is packed with all kinds of town walks and stories this Easter. Check out Søren’s nature hikes at naturvandring.dk – and don’t forget to book your place!

Do your own thing on Bornholm

We think that relaxation is just another way of learning more. We have busy lives, so occasionally it’s wonderful to have a break and find the time to get lost in a good book, or spend more time with the family. Holidays on the island of Bornholm are the perfect time for relaxation and a happy atmosphere, with countryside to delight the eye and smokehouses to sate the appetite. And you can experience everything on your own.

A drive out into the countryside can also be a good way of relaxing, giving you plenty of time to explore the old castle ruins of Hammershus or be spellbound by Opalsøen, a lake created by quarrying in the north of the island.

Bornholm also has a bison wood where European bison roam free, creating a natural dynamic process in the woods themselves and in coppices. Seeing these bison in Almindingen wood is a very special experience, and you’re sure to have some wonderful memories to look back on. If you’d like to know more about bison in advance, visit the NaturBornholm natural history museum’s bison exhibition.

Smutturen and five natural sites

When we travel round Denmark and want to visit the countryside, we find all the inspiration we need at Smutturen.dk. Smutturen – the Short Trip – has been developed by Realdania in partnership with VisitDenmark, Danish Coastal and Rural Tourism and the Nature Agency and provides a wonderful guide to natural gems that you can see on Bornholm.

View videos and be inspired by Smutturen’s own website. There’s lots more information there about the five specially selected sites that actually require nothing more than decent footwear and the desire to experience a very special part of Denmark in the Baltic.

Where will we stay?

Lots of questions spring to mind when planning a holiday. We’d like to help you find the answers to two of the most urgent ones: Where will we stay, and how will we get there?

There’s lots of great accommodation on this little island in the Baltic. If you don’t have anywhere to stay, a good guide is available from Ferieøen Bornholm, and they have a clear, straightforward website as well. It allows you to choose where you want to stay and in what kind of accommodation, and displays the options available to you. Visit bornholm.info today.

How will we get there?

The Bornholmslinjen ferry is the obvious route to take when travelling with the family to Bornholm. You can travel on Bornholmslinjen ferry routes from Sassnitz in Germany, Køge in Sjælland or Ystad in Sweden. Remember you can use your numberplate to pay for your ferry crossing even when you book in advance. And we certainly recommend you do that. Note that number plate payment is available for danish number plates only.

Not all roads lead to Bornholm. But there are more roads than you think. Find out more under Where in the navigation bar. 

Other good trips

Smutturen.dk has lots of other great trips into the Danish countryside to offer. Our article Enjoy a short trip in Denmark presents a few different ideas for beautiful natural areas to visit in Denmark that are really well worth a look. Get lots of fresh air and enjoy lots of experiences at Easter – start by visiting Smutturen.dk.

Happy Easter from all of us here at Brobizz A/S

Language: English

Language: English