You change the vehicle on the Toll Box in the self-service
The box must be powered, otherwise you cannot change the vehicle
Make sure the box is powered on
Log in to the self-service
Log inClick on 'Products' in the menu on the left
Click on the product on which you wish to change the vehicle
Enter the new number plate and save the update. Please note that you should not enter periods (.), hyphens (-), or spaces when entering the number plate in the self-service. You should only enter the numbers and letters of the number plate
When the new number plate is entered in the self-service, the Toll Box will restart. Wait until it has restarted
When the box turns on, it will display 'Waiting for vehicle data'
When the new number plate appears on the box, you need to approve it by clicking on the green checkmark
Then approve the language by clicking on the green checkmark
Approve the weight by clicking on the green checkmark
If the box cannot catch a GPS signal, it will say 'No GPS'. Approve this by clicking on the green checkmark
When the box picks up the GPS signal, it will light up green Then it is ready to track, and you can drive