At Brobizz self-service you can order a bizz, number plate payment and eTickets. If you wish to order products from Brobizz, you must have rights as a main or account administrator.
To order products, first log into self-service and select the account that you wish to order new products for. Please be aware that it is not possible to order bizzes, eTickets and number plate payment simultaneously.
If you want to obtain a discount from our business partners, you should be aware of whether you have the right discount agreements linked to your products. Please remember, therefore, to set up ØresundBUSINESS, Norway agreement, SMART agreement in accordance with your requirements. Read more about your options to get the best prices here.
N.B. Remember to fill in the vehicle information for each single bizz if you want to be sure of a Green discount on the Storebælt Bridge. Read more about Green discount here.
If you want to order one or more Bizz Norden, please follow the guide below. Read more about Bizz Norden here.
Follow these steps:
If you would like to order one or more number plate payments, please follow the guide below. Read more about number plate payment here.
As an invoice-paying customer, you can order eTickets by following the guide below. Read more about eTickets here.
Please note that eTickets have an expiry date. It is not possible to order an eTicket for a vehicle where number plate payment has been set up and vice versa.
It is only possible to order products if you have rights as a main or account administrator. When you are logged into self-service, please ensure that you have switched to the account that you wish to order products for.
It is therefore not possible to order new products if you have a profile with product access.
An eTicket works in a similar way to number plate payment and works in the automatic payment lanes of all payment points that can read number plate payments from Brobizz. You can order eTickets for a specific number plate, which ensures automatic payment with one of our business partners for the next 1 or 2 journeys.