The Danish Road Traffic Authority issues fines based on data from KmToll.
Here you can read about why fines are given and what to do if you want to file an objection.
It is important to check that your Toll Box or Toll App is working before you drive. You cannot use the Toll Box or Toll App if they are not active.
The Road Toll Box or Road Toll App was showing a red light while passing a control point.
Punctuation (.), hyphens (-), or spaces have been inserted into the license plate number during self-service. It is important to only enter the numbers and letters of the license plate. If this was the case, you can file an objection with Road Tolls.
You passed a control point without a Toll Box, Toll App, or Toll Ticket.
I er kørt forbi et kontrolpunkt uden Vejafgift Boks, Vejafgift App eller Vejafgiftsbillet
An objection to a fine should generally be made to Road Tolls at
If you are convinced that your Road Toll Box or app was showing a green light when you drove, you can file an objection to the fine with Brobizz. The objection should include an explanation of the case, including information showing that the box was showing a green light during the trip, with possible pictures of the box.