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How do you cancel the Toll App?

You can cancel the Toll App in the self-service

It may take up to 24 hours for the cancellation to take effect with all our operators. You are liable for the usage until then.

How to cancel the Toll App:

Log in to the self-service.

Log in

Click on 'Products' in the menu on the left.

Find the product you wish to cancel and click on the product.

On the product card in the top right corner, it says 'More'. Click here.

Next, click on 'Cancel Product'.

Confirm the cancellation by clicking on the red button that appears on the screen, which says 'Cancel Toll App'. If you do not wish to cancel your Toll App, click on the 'Go Back' button.

You will shortly after receive an e-mail confirming that your Toll App has been cancelled with Brobizz. However, please note that it may take up to 24 hours for the cancellation to be processed by our partners, the Storebælt Bridge and the Øresund Bridge.

Note: When you cancel the Toll App, you also cancel the associated number plate payment.

Please be aware that

The driver will receive a notification on their phone at 02:00 am, informing them that the app has been cancelled.

If the driver has not enabled notifications, a message will appear when attempting to use the app.

In the app, the driver will be instructed to contact the system administrator if there are any questions regarding the cancellation of the app.

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Language: English

Language: English