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Where do I find my previous trips and usage?

We have switched to a new self-service solution, which means that trips and usage before 16 March 2024 will not be found on your new profile at

If you wish to see your trips and usage before 16 March 2024, please do the following:  

  1. Log in to
  2. Click on ‘Trips and Usage’ which you will find in the column on the left. 
  3. At the top, there is a link that says ‘View your trips and usage before 16 March 2024 here.’ Click on this.  
  4. You must now log in again. This time, with your previous login details, i.e. your customer number or your email with your old password. 
  5. You can now access your trips and usage for the past six months. Just click on one of the two tabs at the top where it says ‘Trips’ and ‘Specifications’. You can also download the specifications for each individual trip here. 
  6. You can download all the data you need without having to login again.
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Language: English

Language: English