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How does the commuter discount work on the Storebælt Bridge?

If you make more than 14 trips across the Storebælt Bridge in 30 days, a Storebælt Commuter Agreement may be worthwhile.

If your company owns cars and trucks, you can obtain a commuter discount for these vehicles.

A Storebælt Commuter Agreement allows you to cross the Storebælt Bridge as often as you need during the period you have paid for.

The price for a van less than 6 meters is DKK 2,814 for 30 days.

You need a bizz from Brobizz to get the Communter Agreement.

How to order a Storebælt commuter agreement

If you wish to set up a commuter agreement, you need to contact us. We will assist you throughout the entire process, ensuring you can cross the Storebælt Bridge quickly and easily at the best price.

We recommend opting for 'auto-renewal', which will automatically renew your commuter agreement every 30 days.

If you wish to order a Storebælt Commuter Agreement, you can contact us by phone at +45 70 80 80 81 or by email at (Heavy vehicles) or (Light vehicles). Please provide your customer or CVR number when contacting us.

Questions and answers about the Storebælt commuter agreement

How does auto-renewal work?

Auto-renewal ensures that your commuter agreement is renewed automatically every 30 days. The new validity period starts the day after the previous validity period ends.

How does manual renewal work?

You can choose to have a 30 to 60-day commuter agreement. You can choose the start date for your commuter agreement yourselves. The earliest start date you can choose is today’s date.

When the period ends, your commuter agreement will stop and you must remember to renew it if you still want to have a Storebælt Commuter agreement.

Can I change my vehicle during my commuting period?

Cars need to visit the workshop from time to time, and unforeseen things can happen. The new Storebælt Commuter allows you to change your vehicle twice during each commuter period, such as to and from a replacement car while yours is in the workshop. It’s important that you remember to update the vehicle details for your agreement, regardless of whether you're changing car for a day or a week.

Important information
Always make sure the vehicle you’ve registered to the commuter agreement is the same as the vehicle you use to drive through the toll booth.

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