Brobizz has been approved and registered as an ‘EETS issuer’ since 2016. This registration allows us to offer our customers an electronic device that can be used to pay for as many toll roads as possible in the EU.
The EU Commission has stated via the European Electronic Toll Service (EETS) Directive that it should be possible to use electronic devices such as Brobizz® for payments at all road tolls in the EU. The aim is to make things easy for road users, ensuring that they only need an agreement with one issuer – such as Brobizz A/S.
The Danish Road Directorate is the approval authority in Denmark and has approved Brobizz A/S as an EETS issuer. This registration provides quality accreditation for Brobizz, which means that Brobizz A/S formally has the right to enter into discussions with all EU countries concerning access to payment with Brobizz® in infrastructure systems subject to the EETS provisions.
The following registered EETS issuers are available at present: